Cindy Meal
Lockport, NY
I began painting in 1997, after my daughter was born. I worked at a newspaper then and in my spare time wrote poems and short stories. I realized then that I needed something more. I wanted to say something in a more subtler way than just words. I wanted to somehow “paint to communicate” and when I told a friend that’s what I wanted to do – she said – so do it! I was given a sketch book and pencils and away I went. Over the years, I sought out artists to teach me what I needed to know and I was hooked. I also learned through my yoga practice, that when you are ready the teacher will come. I trusted that belief and I learned some of the skills needed to paint realistic pictures through the teachers that crossed my path. Then I was introduced to painting plein air (in the open air) and I loved how immediate and striking the colors could be. I still paint plein air, but I also strive to paint more creatively using expressionism, impressionism and abstraction. Artist Statement: I am not interested in the subject, but all the parts and how they meld together. I am interested in how the shapes and layers above and below fit together. I am a lover of color. I am interested in the process it takes to look at a piece with squinted eyes and see how it fits together. I am interested in the angles and subtle nature of light. I am interested in space and how that fits on a canvas. I am enjoying the learning process and the places in between where I get to play. I love thick paint and I love to play in the paint.